Mum loves me for so many reasons, it’s hard to list them all. Although, I can make a start!
I’m very handsome, she tells me every day; she loves my purr-meow; she loves how I run over to her and bunt my head on her hand or under her armpit or where-ever I can reach; and she loves the fact I love to be brushed, and I push the dog out of the way.
Last night, however, I think I crossed the line. As it’s been quite hot here in Perth, I’ve been sleeping in the lounge, while Sylvie religiously sleeps on mum’s bed. From the cockroach incident the other day (where Sylvie caught a giant one that had snuck inside and ran with it half poking out of her mouth, into the bedroom to release it so she could play), it’s quite clear to everyone that the bedroom is in Sylvie’s territory.
Indoor cats, like outdoor cats, split up the territory in the house. There are some rooms that one can claim, and some parts of rooms that a cat may claim. Sometimes it’s even the furniture, at a particular time of day, for example Sylvie claims the kitchen bench at meal times, although we all have to share the space. Sylvie has also claimed the bed. Every night she sleeps on it, close to mum. Every single night. Not like Griff who comes in for his cuddles in the morning, or me who may make an appearance or two before flitting back out to the cat tree. She sleeps on the bed EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. The weather has been slowly cooling down – today was only 29 Degrees! This cooler weather puts me in the mood to snuggle, so for the last couple of nights I have joined Sylvie, mum and Griff on the bed. Which has been nice.
But last night I decided that it’s no longer time for Sylvie to be all high and mighty that she owns the bedroom – I want it. So I challenged her for the territory. I woke mum up in the middle of the night by straddling Sylvie, holding her tightly by the scruff of her neck. She was easy prey as she had been fast asleep snoring like the fatty she is. Mum swiped me away, so I waited until she fell asleep again, and tried it once more. Again mum woke up and told me off. We repeated this about 7 times, mum getting grumpier and me and Sylvie still in a stale mate.
I don’t think I can let this rest, though. I want to claim the bed so I’m going to have to get crafty.
Asst/Prof. Kinky